At present, you can hardly find a person who has never been under stress. There are many stressful situations these days, such as: problems at work, preparation for exams, traffic jams, relationships with other people and so on. And it is not often easy to reduce stress level.

Then what should we do to deal with stress? First of all, we should ease the tension with the help of deep breathing. It is also important not to stick in your problems and worries and to talk about them less with other people, as this will lead to a higher level of stress.

If you work hard for hours, the best way to avoid stress is to take a break.You can assure yourself that you will be absolutely free as soon as you finish and can put your break off. However, it won’t do you any good. Your exhausted body will probably become sick afterwards.

So now, when you are on a break, you may do something to relax and to take your mind off things. You may have a healthy snack, dance or do some other physical exercises, turn your favourite music on or even call a friend.

Even a 10-minute break will help you. You will see how much better you feel afterwards. A small break may give you some more energy to continue your work. Moreover, when you abstract from your work for several minutes and then get back to it again, you manage to re-examine it and make some improvements. As a result, you will have a better quality of work.


В настоящее время, вы едва ли сможете найти человека, который никогда бы не подвергался стрессу. На сегодняшний день существует множество стрессовых ситуаций, таких как: проблемы на работе, подготовка к экзаменам, пробки на дорогах, взаимоотношения с другими людьми и т.д. И часто нелегко снизить уровень стресса.

В таком случае, что же нам следует делать, чтобы справиться со стрессом? Прежде всего, следует снять напряжение с помощью глубокого дыхания. Также важно не «застревать» в своих проблемах и переживаниях, а также меньше говорить о них с другими людьми, так как это приводит к более высокому уровню стресса.

Если вы усердно работаете в течение нескольких часов, лучший способ избежать стресса – сделать перерыв. Вы можете убеждать себя, что будете абсолютно свободны, как только закончите и можете пока отложить отдых. Однако это не пойдет вам на пользу. Ваш изможденный организм, вероятно, заболеет после.

Поэтому теперь, когда вы на перерыве, вы можете заняться чем-то, что расслабит вас и отвлечет от дел. Вы можете перекусить чем-то полезным, потанцевать или сделать другие физические упражнения, включить любимую музыку или даже позвонить другу/подруге.

Даже десятиминутный перерыв вам поможет. Вы увидите, насколько хорошо почувствуете себя после него. Маленький перерыв может подарить вам немного дополнительной энергии для продолжения работы. Более того, когда вы отвлечетесь от работы на несколько минут, а затем вернетесь к ней снова, то вам удастся взглянуть на нее по-новому и улучшить ее. В результате, вы добьетесь лучшего качества работы.

Фразы и слова:

To be under stress – быть в состоянии стресса

Reduce stress level – снизить уровень стресса

To put off – отложить (на потом)

Take a break – сделать перерыв

To do good – идти на пользу

To take one’s mind off things – отвлечься от дел

To abstract from – отвлечься от чего-то

To re-examine – взглянуть по-новому

To make improvements – улучшить

Every day you read in newspapers, books and magazines that it is important to avoid stress. Stress can kill, they say. Stay calm. Be relaxed. Slow down. Don’t worry so much and don’t work so hard. Unfortunately, this is difficult. There are always money problems and family problems. Our cities are full of traffic and noise. Stressful situations seem to be everywhere.
When people are under stress they react in different ways. Some people find it difficult to stay calm and often become tense. Little things, like a baby crying, can make them irritated. They get very annoyed if they have to wait just a few minutes too long in a shop or a restaurant. These people are usually very moody. One minute they are fine and the next they can be really angry – absolutely furious. Other people seem to stay calm almost all the time, and rarely get angry. For example, if they are caught in bad traffic, they don’t get frustrated. They sit calmly in their cars, telling themselves that there is nothing they can do about the situation. These people are not moody at all. They don’t change from moment to moment, but always seem to be in control of their emotions.
Some doctors give names to these two personality types: Type A and Type B people. Type A work very hard, worry a lot, and are often bad-tempered. Type Bs are the opposite. They don’t worry. Work’s not so important to them and they don’t get angry easily. They like to relax a lot and have fun. The doctors say it is better for your health and heart if you are a Type B person.

Стресс и Гнев

Каждый день Вы читаете в газетах, книгах и журналах, что важно избежать стресса. Говорят, стресс может убить. Успокойтесь. Расслабьтесь. Притормозите. Не волнуйтесь так много, и не работайте столь усердно. К сожалению, это трудно. Есть всегда денежные проблемы и проблемы в семье. Наши города полны дорожного движения и шума. Стрессовые ситуации, кажется, всюду.
Когда люди находятся в состоянии стресса, они реагируют различными способами. Некоторые находят трудным оставаться спокойными и часто бывают напряженным. Мелочи, подобно крику ребенка, могут сделать их раздраженными. Они очень раздражаются, если должны подождать всего на несколько минут дольше в магазине или ресторане. Эти люди обычно очень капризны. В одну минуту они веселы, а в следующую могут быть действительно рассерженными - абсолютно разъяренными. Другие люди, кажется, остаются спокойный почти все время, и редко злятся. Например, если они попадают в пробку, они не расстраиваются. Они сидят спокойно в своих автомобилях, говоря себе, что они ничего не могут сделать в данной ситуации. Эти люди не капризны вообще. Они не меняются через секунду, и всегда кажется, что они контролируют свои эмоции.
Некоторые доктора дали названия этим двум типам личности: тип А и тип B. Люди типа А усердно работают, много волнуются и часто злятся. Люди типа В - противоположны. Они не волнуются. Работа не столь важна для них и их нелегко рассердить. Они любят расслабляться и веселиться забаву. Доктора говорят, что для вашего здоровья и сердца лучше, если Вы - человек Типа B.

Последнее время я всё чаще слышу разговоры о стрессе. Stress is everywhere – at work, at school, at university, at home, in your business, in sport, in relationships… in traffic jam, at the wheel. В жизни любого современного человека сегодня столько стресса, что это уже становится проблемой для многих. А если еще учесть, что вокруг столько , что и жить-то страшно!

Так вот сегодня мы не будем говорить о стрессе. А если точнее, то мы будем говорить о том, как из него выходить.

Насколько вы подвержены стрессу?

К приведённым ниже ситуациям поставьте баллы тревожности, где

  • 1 – I don’t care, it doesn’t disturb me (мне всё равно, ситуация меня не трогает);
  • 2 – a little tense and annoyed (немного напряжён и раздражён);
  • 3 – the heart’s beating faster, getting impatient (сердце бьётся быстрее, становлюсь нетерпеливым);
  • 4 – AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! (не требует перевода?)

Готовы? Поехали!

  • You might be late and you are stuck in traffic (Вы можете опоздать, а вы застряли в пробке)
  • The neighbor’s dog keeps barking at midnight! (Соседская собака всё лает и лает в полночь!)
  • Somebody’s stepped on your toes… twice. (кто-то наступил вам на ногу… дважды!)
  • The Internet is very slow. I mean, very-very slow! (Интернет очень медленный. Я имею ввиду, очень-очень медленный!)
  • You are on a train. You just want to relax and read your favorite book! But the person next to you doesn’t seem to stop talking at all and what she/he is talking about is so boring! (Вы в поезде. Вы просто хотите расслабиться и почитать свою любимую книгу! Но человек рядом с вами, кажется, никогда не замолчит! И то, о чём она/он говорит – так скучно!)
  • You are in a restaurant, you are going to enjoy your favorite meal and the person nearby is slurping and champing! (Вы в ресторане, собираетесь насладиться своей любимой едой, но человек поблизости громко прихлёбывает и чавкает!)
  • You are exhausted and you want to take a nap, but the neighbor’s baby is crying. (вы ужасно устали и хотите вздремнуть, но соседский ребёнок плачет.)
  • You keep losing lots of times in a row. (Вы проигрываете много раз подряд)
  • Your colleague always bites his nails. (Ваш коллега всегда грызёт ногти)
  • You can’t achieve good results. You don’t seem to make progress (sport , studying , business – it doesn’t matter). (Вы не можете достичь хороших результатов. Кажется, у вас нет улучшений (спорт, учёба, бизнес – не имеет значения.)

А теперь давайте подсчитаем баллы. Готово?

  • 10-20 – You are very calm, good for you! – вы очень спокойны, молодцы!
  • 21-30 – You are neither calm, nor too stressed out. Вы и не спокойны, и не слишком подавлены.
  • 31-40 – Alarm! You have to relax! Тревога! Вам нужно расслабиться!

Способы борьбы со стрессом

Go for a walk – Прогуляйтесь на свежем воздухе

Давайте рассмотрим несколько способов, как справиться со стрессом.

How to deal/cope with stress:

  • Go for a walk (ходить на прогулку);
  • Listen to relaxing music (слушать расслабляющую музыку);
  • Do yoga, exercises (заниматься йогой, делать упражнения);
  • Meditate (медитировать);
  • Breathe deeply (глубоко дышать);
  • Organize your life (организовать свою жизнь);
  • Change something in your life, make new plans, set new goals (поменяйте что-нибудь в своей жизни, постройте новые планы, поставьте новые цели);
  • Change something in your appearance (измените что-то во внешности);
  • Take up a new hobby (займитесь новым хобби);
  • Read something interesting (почитайте что-нибудь интересное);
  • Take a nap (вздремните);
  • Travel (путешествуйте);
  • Eat properly, increase intake of vitamins, minerals, etc if necessary (правильно питайтесь, увеличьте потребление витамином, минералов и т.д., если это необходимо);
  • Do things you love – draw, sing, dance, etc. (занимайтесь тем, чем любите – рисовать, петь, танцевать, т.д.);
  • Acquire a pet (заведите питомца);
  • Positive thinking, have more positive self talk, change your attitude to your “problems” (больше позитивного мышления, позитивного разговора с собой, измените своё отношение к вашим «проблемам»;
  • Go to park (ходите в парк);
  • Read jokes or watch humorous programs /comedy films (читайте шутки или смотрите юмористические программы/ комедийные фильмы);
  • Meet your family (встречайтесь с семьёй);
  • Meet your friends, talk to people you trust (встречайтесь с друзьями, поговорите с людьми, которым вы доверяете);
  • Write a diary (пишите дневник);
  • Get something like a punching bag, punch it and yell at it (приобретите что-то вроде боксёрской груши, бейте её кулаками и кричите на неё);
  • Go to amusement park (сходите в парк развлечений);
  • Chew gum – the action of chewing can reduce stress; this is why many people who are under constant stress tend to overeat. Chewing gum is a healthier alternative. (Жуйте жевательную резинку – жевание уменьшает стресс; вот почему многие люди, находясь в состоянии стресса, склонны к перееданию. Жевательная резинка – более полезная для здоровья альтернатива);
  • Treat yourself to a massage (сходите на массаж);
  • Apologize to someone if you need. Guilt adds pain to stress (извинитесь перед кем-то, если нужно. Вина добавляет боль к стрессу);
  • Get enough sunlight (получайте достаточно солнечного света);
  • Smile! (улыбайтесь!);
  • Buy something (купите что-нибудь);
  • Tell people you love that you love them! (скажите людям, которых вы любите, что вы их любите!)

Предлагаем вашему вниманию видеоурок из китайских трущоб:

Основные выражения по теме:

anxiety [энгз’айети] about/over smth.- беспокойство, тревога о ч.-л.;
tension [теншн]- напряжение;
stress [стрес]- стресс, эмоциональная перегрузка;
stress-related illnesses [стрес рил’ейтид ‘илнесиз]- болезни, вызванные стрессом;
intense/deep anxiety [инт’енс/дип энгз’айети] — сильное беспокойство;
anxiety disorder [энгз’айети диз’оде]- тревожное расстройство;
nervous tension [нёвес теншн]- нервное напряжение;
to be under stress [ту би ‘анде стрес]- находиться в условиях стресса;
emotional stress [им’оушнл стрес] — душевные переживания, эмоциональный стресс;
to cause anxiety/stress [ту коз энгз’айети]- вызывать беспокойство/ быть причиной стресса;
to release tension [ту рил’из теншн] — снимать напряжение;
skills to cope with stress [скилз ту к’оуп уиз стрес]- умение справляться со стрессом;
a stressful job [э стр’есфул джоб] — напряженная работа (ведущая к стрессу);
emotional well-being [им’оушнл у’элбиин] — эмоциональное равновесие;
negative and positive emotions/feelings [н’егатив энд п’озитив им’оушнс/ф’илинз] — отрицательные и положительные эмоции/чувства;
helathy lifestyle [х’элфи л’айфстайл]- здоровый образ жизни.

Фразы и устойчивые выражения по теме для употребления в диалоге с :

Take it easy. [тейк ит ‘изи]- Расслабься.
Relax. [рил’экс] — Не волнуйся.
She is suffering from stress. [ши из с’афферинг фром стрес]- Она подвержена стрессу.
I’m exhausted. [айм игз’остид] — Я выбился из сил/очень устал.
You need to have a rest. [ю нид ту хэв э рэст] — Тебе необходимо отдохнуть.
Calm down! [кам д’аун] — Успокойся, не нервничай!
Everything will be OK. [‘эврисин уил би окей] — Все будет хорошо.

Диалог о стрессе на английском языке

— Hey, buddy! You look sad. Is everything OK?
— Everything is fine. I’m just under a lot of stress at the moment.
— Why? What’s the matter?
— I’m completely exhausted.
— Is it family or work?
— Work, as usual. I’ve been working day and night lately.
— I think your job is too stressful. Your need to have a rest. Take a couple of days off work.
— Yeah, I think I’ll do that. But who is going to do my job?
— Don’t worry! Everything will be all right.

Ways to release tension (способы снятия напряжения).

What can you do to relieve tension? (Каким образом можно снять напряжение?)
What helps you to relax? (Что помогает Вам расслабиться?)

Варианты ответов:
to do yoga (заниматься йогой); to eat a balanced diet (придерживаться сбалансированного питания); to take a walk (прогуляться); to take a hot bath (принять горячую ванну); to listen to chillout or lounge music (послушать музыку в стиле чилл-аут или лаундж); to exercise (заниматься физическими упражнениями).

Stress and How to Cope Well With It

Nowadays many people say that they are tired of their hectic lifestyle. They work too much and stop taking breaks. They forget about everything striving for their goals and they constantly raise the bar. Very often they don"t find personal satisfaction in their work and don"t love what they do. They have no sense of personal accomplishment and self-satisfaction. Some people don"t feel content even when they achieve their goal. One the contrary, they feel disillusioned and dissatisfied. Having climbed the ladder of success they find nothing worthwhile on the top. Constant fatigue, physical and moral exhaustion, monotony and impossible pressure at work and at home can cause stress.

Stress is the emotional and physical strain caused by people"s response to pressure from the outside world. Stress causes tension, irritability, anxiety, alarm, loss of concentration, sensations of fear and panic as well as headaches and a fast heartbeat. It can result in a real breakdown of health. Stress can even cause heart disease and cancer.

There are a lot of stressful events in our lives, such as divorce, losing a job or having difficulties at home or at work. But changes for the better can also cause stress, like a new baby, a wedding, and a new house. Pupils and students often face stress from problems at school, poor relationships with peers, strict and demanding teachers, exams and many other problems.

Feeling stressed many people try to find some distraction and to escape their problems. They begin overeating, smoking, drinking, and even taking drugs. But junk food, cigarettes, sleeping pills and alcohol don"t help. On the contrary, they make things much worse and more difficult to patch up.

Stress can have a negative influence not only on our physical and mental health, but on the lives of those around us. It often makes us lose control and shout at our spouses, relatives, friends or colleagues. Taking stress out on our nearest and dearest is the easiest way to hurt their feelings and to make them feel depressed too.

People react to stress in different ways. Some of us are more vulnerable to stress than others. People who are always angry, impatient and mistrustful may have more stress-related physical problems.

It is very important to try to avoid stress or at least to minimize it. That"s why it is essential to notice early signs of stress and to remove some of its causes. If you catch the trouble early, the problem may be easy to fix.

One of the best ways to cope with stress is to keep a sense of humor in difficult situations. Wise people say that laughter is the best medicine for all diseases. It increases blood flow and it may reduce the risk of heart disease. Besides, laughter makes the body release pleasure chemicals.

Regular leisure activities and relaxing hobbies are also very important in reducing stress. If you feel depressed, yoga, swimming, bicycling, painting or gardening can help you relax, calm down and get a new lease on life. Anti-anxiety medications and anti-depressants can be useful for dealing with short periods of acute stress. But the side effects of such medications can be rather dangerous, that"s why they must never be taken as often as vitamins. Besides, anti-anxiety medications and anti-depressants cause addiction and may lead to suicides.

Forget about your problems. Take a day off work, domestic chores and family. Work regular hours and don"t forget to take breaks and holidays. Don"t expect too much of yourself and don"t try to aim higher than your capacity. Have a balance in life. Walk away from stressful situations and be positive and enthusiastic. In other words "don"t worry, be happy."

1. Complete each sentence (A-H) with one of the endings (1-8):
A. Stress is the emotional and physical strain caused by
B. Stress causes
C. Feeling stressed many people try to Find
D. Stress often makes us
E. People who are always angry, impatient and mistrustful
F. One of the best ways to cope with stress is
G. Regular leisure activities and relaxing hobbies
H. Anti-anxiety medications and anti-depressants can be useful for

1. some distraction and to escape their problems.
2. to keep a sense of humor in difficult situations.
3. tension, irritability, anxiety, alarm, loss of concentration, sensations of fear and panic as well as headaches and a fast heartbeat.
4. are also very important in reducing stress.
5. people"s response to pressure from the outside world.
6. lose control and shout at our spouses, relatives, friends or colleagues.
7. dealing with short periods of acute stress.
8. may have more stress-related physical problems.

2. Agree or disagree. Explain your point of view
- Stress can result in a real breakdown of health.
- Stress is everywhere.
- Stress is a synonym for "weakness" and "helplessness".
- Changes for the better can never cause stress.
- Overeating, smoking, drinking, or taking drugs don"t help to cope with stress.
- Laughter is the best medicine for all diseases.
- It is impossible to avoid stress.
- The best way to minimize stress is to know your limits and to be in harmony with yourself.

3. Choose a situation which is the most stressful to your mind. Say what you would do in this situation to cope with stress. Describe the situation from your own life experience when you felt stressed
You are being asked to speak in public. But you don"t know much about the subject discussed by the participants. Everybody is looking at you. You are terrified and don"t know what to say. You feel your hands shaking and your cheeks blushing.
You are the first-year student of the University. You are taking your first exam. You are absolutely calm and self-confident as you know the subject very well. You are taking a question card and feel a cramp in the stomach. You don"t remember the answer to the question.
You are a secretary for a large firm. You like your job as it is well-paid and interesting. The only problem is your boss. He gives you much work and charges you with a great number of errands both important and unimportant. This time he has ordered you to type a pile of urgent documents, though your working day is over and you have a date in the evening. But your boss insists that you should do this work right now.
Your best friend has fallen ill and he has asked you to go to the chemist"s to buy some medicine. You"ve gladly agreed to help him. Standing in the queue you suddenly realize that you"ve lost your friend"s purse with a considerable sum of money in it. You are shocked and don"t know what to do.
You"ve seen your brother"s girlfriend kissing some other guy. You don"t know whether you should tell your brother about it. You are afraid that he won"t believe you if you tell the truth. But on the other hand he will never forgive you if he learns that you have concealed this unpleasant fact.
You"ve been asked to baby-sit your 5-year-old nephew. Your sister has promised that he will be sleeping the whole evening so you will have no trouble with him. And now when she has left you are locked in her house with a shrieking child who is having a fit of hysterics and you don"t know what to do to calm him down.

4. Answer the questions
1) Why do many people feel stressed at work?
2) What kind of situation can be called stressful?
3) How do many people cope with stress? What mistakes do they usually make?
4) Why is stress dangerous not only to our health but to the health of those around us?
5) Why do people react to stress in different ways?
6) How can we avoid or minimize stress?
7) Why are anti-anxiety medications and anti-depressants dangerous to our health?
8) Do you know any effective ways to cope with stress? Say a few words about them.

5. Much can be said about the negative consequences of stress. But some people are sure that stress can be very useful. Read their opinions and say if you agree with them or not. Fill in the table below and give your own reasons for and against stress
1. "Stress is inevitable. It goes hand in hand with the work we do. People don"t hire us to do easy things, they hire us to do difficult things and to think that you can remove stress from that is a fool"s errand. Isn"t this pressure why people work in the first place? I work with people who are up for the challenge, focused on being successful and pressure helps them reach their goals." (Stevan Rolls, head of human resources at Deloitte)
2. "I don"t think you should shy away from stress. It forces you to perform to live up to your full potential. I like to think that even when I am on the verge of retirement I"ll still be pushing myself. It"s what gets me out of bed in the morning." (Charlie Bagot Jewitt, a former Royal Naval commander)
3. To live without stress would be to live in a vegetative state. It"s just not viable. Even the act of getting up in the morning requires effort. For many workers it is the fact that they feel "driven" that makes the job worthwhile and that once that feeling is gone, it is time for them to move on. It is this environment that allows them to produce their best work." (Glynis Kelly, senior lecturer in psychology and sociology at Cornwall College)
4. "Spikes of stress help us to develop and survive. So view being stressed as being resilient. Resilient people see pressure as a challenge, trust that they have control and don"t see themselves as powerless. Those kinds of attitudes are at the root of any career success." (Dr Wolfgang Seidl, executive director of the Validium Group, which provides employee assistance programmes)
(from the article "I love stress" by Cath Janes, The Guardian)
For Against

6. Read the quotations below. Choose any statement and comment on it
"Stress is basically a disconnection from the earth, a forgetting of the breath. Stress is an ignorant state. It believes that everything is an emergency. Nothing is that important. Just lie down." (Natalie Goldberg)
"Stress is nothing more than a socially acceptable form of mental illness." (Richard Carlson)
Stress is a designer ailment that many of the so-called afflicted suffer from with pride." (Janet Street-Porter)
"Every stress leaves an indelible scar, and the organism pays for its survival after a stressful situation by becoming a little older." (Hans Selye)
"Much of the stress that people feel doesn"t come from having too much to do. It comes from not finishing what they"ve started." (David Allen)
I believe that stress is a factor in any bad health." (Christopher Shays)

A. There are hundreds of definitions of stress but even the highest medical authorities don"t know what it really means. Give your own definition of stress.

B. Read the text "Stress and How to Cope Well With It" and think if stress can be called the disease of modern society.

Find an article about stress and prepare a short speech on the problems raised in it. Speak about the author"s attitude to these problems.

Из учебного пособия "Открывая мир с английским языком. Современные темы для обсуждения. Готовимся к ЕГЭ" Юнёва С.А. 2012г.